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Unexplained Mystery: Strange Patient

A true story from Burma:
Photography of Bagan, Burma.
Have you ever encountered that you dreamed of your close friend and they felt the same as if they were in reality? It happened to a man named U Tun Aung, lead him to unexpected mystery while he started to dream of his rival in his dreams.

Being a law graduated and a famous politician, U Tun Aung in his 40s becomes a member of parliament. He was rich and smart in his times, proud of himself and tend to mentioned it quiet frequent in a weird way. One day, he went to see a doctor who was also a psychologist secretly to consult about his strange dreams.

In his dream, he was at a Prime Minister’s dinner party where only important politicians are invited. There, he met another infamous parliamentary member called U Kyi. U Kyi was smirking at him that he neglect U Kyi and go into the dining room. Once he was in, everybody in the room were laughing and mocking at him. Then he noticed that he has got no trouser on. He run off from the dinner, then he woke up.

When he met U Kyi the next morning, U Kyi looks at his bottom parts with the same smirk from his dream. Though he was sure that U Kyi would not know his dream, he felt a shame.

The second night follows the next dream where he was addressing an important issue at the parliament. The whole parliament was full of people as it was a very interesting issue. Then when he looked at U Kyi, U Kyi stuck out his tongue to mock him. Then he started to sing a song to make U Kyi feels ashame. Instead, the whole parliamentary audience were laughing at him that he realized that he has been fooled. He even scared that he will lose his job.

When U Tun Aung attended the parliament the next day, U Kyi started to address the parliament and used the lyrics of the song that U Tun Aung sang in his dream as an example in the speech. U Tun Aung started to doubt that if U Kyi was having the same dreams as his.

In the consequence dream, U Tun Aung was at a party on a ship dancing with a girl. While they were having fun, U Kyi came into their sight suddenly and warned the girl to beware of U Tun Aung. U Tun Aung got angry that he hit U Kyi with a beer bottle on the head.When he met U Kyi in the library the next day, U Kyi said he has terrible headache as if somebody hit him on his head. Then U Tun Aung got shocked and wondered that these incidents are not normal anymore.

He kept dreaming of those dreams for about 3 weeks. The psychologist asked him if he knew any reasons why U Kyi was in his dreams everytime. Then U Tun Aung lied that he did not know. The doctor asked him again if he did something bad to make U Kyi felt bad or ashame. U Tun Aung finally admitted that he used to win a debate with U Kyi which make U Kyi not to win the next election again. After careful analysis, the doctor asked U Tun Aung to apologied U Kyi finally which the doctor thinks the only way to cure the disease. U Tun Aung refused to do so.

U Tun Aung did not show up for the next appointment to meet with the doctor. A few days later, the dead of U Tun Aung was on the news. He was on his way sending his friend at the train station and got hit by the train. His neck and legs were cut off. Once again in the same newspaper, it mentioned that U Kyi was dead of heart attack at the hospital. They both died on the same afternoon. The doctor wondered if U Tun Aung killed U Kyi in his dreams.

Psychological trauma, damages to the mind can be as mild as childhood abuse or traumatic events happen to people once in their life time. Yet the Story of U Tun Aung left unexplained.

UFOs in Tehran

Map of Tehran and Hamadan, where two F-4 jet interceptors were launched
Midnight on the 19th of September 1976, for the employees in the watchtower of Mehrabad airport it was a boring night until they received frequent calls from the inhabitants of the northern part of Tehran about an unknown object flying over the sky.

Within moments, two fighter planes left Hamedan airport toward Tehran to research about the unknown object.
The next day the newspaper of the capital, in a brief report presented of unidentified flying objects over Tehran and the efforts of "Lieutenant Jim" to pursue them. 

Tirty-one years later, second Brigadier pilot Parviz Jafari, which newspapers gave the nickname "Lieutenant Jim" traveled from Tehran to Washington along with some authorities, official and military officers of nine other countries to ask the US government to publish documents that had been classified investigations of the unknown flying objects to the international research media.

Parviz Jafari (Lieutenant Jim) who was responsible for two phantoms in Shahrokhi station in an interview with BBC Persian in Washington talked about his memories of the night of event.
According to brigadier Jafari, after the official the command post found that there were no helicopters airborne at that time, they called BG Yousefi. He saw a very bright object larger than a star. At that point he decided to scramble an F-4 jet from Shahrokhi AFB.

The size of the object was difficult to determine. The lights of the object were alternating blue, green, red, and orange he said.

Interview of Gen. Parviz Jafari UFO encounter over Iran.

As the object and the F-4 continued on the path, the second object appeared. The pilot suddenly lost all instrumentation, including weapons control, and all communication. The object fell in behind him for a short time, and then he turned and rejoined the primary object. Then the communications were regained. The crew saw another brightly object detach itself from the other side. Mehrabad tower reported no other aircraft in the area, but tower personnel were able to see the object when given directions by the F-4 pilot.

The next day, crew went to the place they saw objects the night before. It was over a dry lake bed, but no traces could be seen. Further investigation was apparently done, but the results were never made public.

One of the most interesting things about this event is that it was apparently detected by a military spy satellite. Since this event occurred before the fall of the Shah, any records in Tehran itself may be lost.

This is considered one of the top 10 best evidence of UFO sightings in the world by the best UFO investigators since it was detected by radar and the military !

The Phoenix Lights

The Phoenix Lights event consisted of approximately 10,000 people in the US state of Phoenix witnessing 7 to 9 intensely bright balls of light forming a slight "V" shape in the night sky over Phoenix, Arizona on the evening of March 13, 1997. That night dozens of video-cam operators and thousands of Phoenix residents witnessed the appearing and disappearing of brilliant UFO(s) which hovered over the city just beyond the Estrella mountain range, a spectacle so astonishing that even the national news could not cover it up or blow it off as a flock of geese or mere space debris re-entry.

A documentary of The Phoenix Lights in Arizona, March 13 1997.

On the 13th of March, Willes was taking his usual video survey of the Phoenix skies when suddenly strange spheres of intensely bright light appeared hovering motionless in the sky. Experienced in shooting UFO footage, Jeff framed the shot with the mountain range for visual reference and several necessary zooms and pans. The orbs of light seem to just dangle there, silently in the cloudy sky, slightly twinkling but by no means strobing, neither did they exhibit any standard FAA flashing lights. As the minutes passed, one of the objects began to slowly move off in another direction until it disappeared beyond the looming cloud bank. The movement was almost imperceptible. The remaining object, still glowing brilliantly then began to move in the same direction and Jeff tailed it steadily with his cam until it, too, moved out of sight, becoming just a tiny glimmer in the distant atmosphere. On Jeff's video, watching the full sequence in fast-forward mode really reveals the remarkable movement of these utterly anomalous objects in the sky, and it becomes abundantly clear they are below the low cloud cover. They very clearly cannot be jets or planes, balloons, ultra-lights, flares, helicopters, stars, planets or swamp gas.

A drawing of the object appeared in USA today.
The entire taped event lasts approximately 30 minutes. Later that evening, the startling appearance of the 7-9 shining UFOs in the night sky in distinct formation all but serves to verify that what Jeff Willes was shooting in the daylight came back to hover in the same spot, only this time with a few 'friends.' Jeff says those lights were directly over them, while the orbs he shot earlier in the daytime were captured from the mountains west of the city. Willes footage also seems to suggest that the Phoenix lights were not attached to one extremely large object, as some conjecture, but was composed of many individual, glowing UFOs (unless what Jeff captured were merely scout craft for the location for a much larger UFO?).

In the digitized images below, what Jeff videotaped is laid out in sequence, from initial appearance to final movement. The quality and clarity of the video itself is hundreds of times greater. The lights at first hover, motionless. The intensity of the lights appear to shift from very brilliant to dim, then, each moves off becoming indiscernible to the camera.
Our group members are:

Oh Nuntiya                  B.A Mass

Steven  Chmiel           B.A. English

Khine thi thi win           B.A. Mass
Darya Eskandanian                 B.A. Mass